Reporting & Exporting

Employment Equity / EE Reporting
Goals are set on any level of the organisation and these goals are automatically collated into organisation-wide goals. The actual EE status at any point in time can then be compared against the goals with clear indicators of where discrepancies appear.
The EE Management module together with Disciplinary Management, Payroll Interface and Training Management forms a suite of products required to generate the EE report in the correct format required by the Deptartment of Labour. The report is generated as an Excel Workbook which looks identical to the original document.
SETA Reporting
We develop SETA reports that can be generated from HR Manage as required by our customers. We keep the system updated so that the latest version of the various SETA reports can be generated by the press of a button. All SETA reports formats are reviewed annually and updated if any changes are made from the SETA’s side. We are also willing to create more advanced reports that can be imported at the various SETA’s, but our ability to do that will depend on the willingness from the SETA. So far we’ve created a specialised export like that for W&R SETA.
The SETA reporting tool uses real data captured in HR Manage for the Workplace Skills Plan and Annual Training Report. With the powerful features and filters available, it is very easy to go into the Training Management module and retrieve the actual records that makes up a number on the WSP / ATR.
HR Manage already stores the information required to generate the SETA reports including links to OFO codes, Skill Levels (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced), ABET training, Scarce skills, etc. Reports are generated in Excel with each section generated in a separate worksheet. This enables users to continue to customise the report even after it has been generated.

General Reporting
All reports in HR Manage can be generated as a well-known file type that can be emailed. Formats include MS Excel workbooks, Acrobat PDF documents, MS Word Documents and TIFF images. HR Manage has 3 types of reports available. The first type includes reports that are pre-designed by the supplier and the end-user can make use of a “report wizard” where the date range, branch, division, location etc can be changed each time the report is produced. The report template will however stay the same. (E.g. the reports for SETA’s, EE). These reports are usually saved as PDF, Word documents or Excel workbooks.
The second type of report is produced in Excel. Data can be viewed in any of the data tables with search-and-find options. Once the appropriate information is extracted in a data table, the entire table can be exported into Excel by the press of a button. Thirdly we’ve included a Report Designer which will allow users to create reports for specific uses (e.g. Training Registers, Certificates, etc.). The Report Designer is a WYSIWYG editor and reports designed this way can be printed from various places in HR Manage and also be exported as Pdf documents.

Custom Exporting to Excel
HR Manage enables users to export any data in HR Manage to Excel. Most filtered lists can be exported to Excel by the press of a button. If additional fields are required for the export, it can be done via a simple 3-step wizard. This functionality is similar to “report builders” in other software. Data can be exported to Excel 2003 or Xlsx (2007-2016) and the column layout of the data exported can be saved as a template for future exports.
- First specify what type of data must be exported (Employees, Training, etc.)
- Then choose from a list which fields must be included in the export and in what order it should be exported
- Finally, filter the data to export and when satisfied with the preview, simply Save to Excel.

WYSIWYG Report Designer
The Report Designer allows advanced users to create their own specialised reports that are required for specific use like Certificates, Training Attendance Registers and other forms that might be required. The reports are usually based on a single record with the related records or a list of records and not really for calculated records. Reports can be created for a wide variety of records including Employee Information, Training Events, Training Records to name a few and we’ll keep expanding the list as new modules get developed.
Custom designed reports are directly integrated into the various modules in HR Manage and will appear in the applicable module’s report list for easy access and everything can be designed and set up by the program administrators.
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